I am pleased to welcome you on my homepage. Here I would like to introduce myself, my activities and my team. For this purpose I have compiled information for you on the following pages.
The notary's office in Germersheim looks back on a long tradition and is located in the town after which one of the oldest administrative districts in Rhineland-Palatinate is named.
My office, which is rooted in this tradition and at the same time modern, offers you competent assistance in the structuring of legal relationships. To this end, as a notary, I offer you sound and impartial advice on all legal issues covered by the field of activity of a notary. At the same time, I am the holder of a public office conferred by the state.
Whether in real estate or corporate law, whether in settlement of your inheritance or family law matters or in the area of private precautionary measures, I always attach importance to individual and qualified advice, a balanced contractual arrangement as well as an understandable explanation of the legal regulations. Of course, you can always rely on my objectivity and discretion as well as on my entire team.
My team and I are at your disposal if you wish to use my services in a legal matter and look forward to working for you!
You are welcome to contact us during regular business hours by phone at 07274/77757-0 or send us a personal message at info(at)notarin-vogel.de.
Our philosophy and values
We serve as impartial counsel in complicated and far-reaching legal matters.
The notary shall maintain secrecy about all matters that become known to the notary and his employees in the course of his professional practice.
Notaries are pioneers when it comes to electronic legal transactions. Qualified electronic signatures with a notary attribute now carry the same level of trust as the notary's seal and signature.
Legal certainty
The notarial deed is the epitome of legal certainty. The trust placed in it originates from the notaries' care and diligence.
Form is the sworn enemy of arbitrariness, the twin sister of freedomRudolf von Jhering: Geist des römischen Rechts auf den verschiedenen Stufen seiner Entwicklung, 1858.
Von uns behandelte Themenfelder
Real estate
The preparation and execution of real estate transactions is one of our main areas of practice. The purchase of real estate in Germany has to be notarised. You would like to buy or sell property? We will gladly assist you.
Marriage, partnership and family
Those who rely only on the legal provisions put in place for marriage, partnership and family might miss out on opportunities to form their life according to their individual ideas. You can avoid unfair consequences by individual marriage or partnership contracts, separation and divorce agreements, declarations of custody or other notarial agreements. Your notary will advise you impartially and ensure that all agreements are fair and balanced.
Inheritance and gifts
During our lifetime, we seek to preserve or even increase our assets. However, only very few people make sufficient provisions for the time after passing away. This can lead to disputes in the family, trigger expensive lawsuits and ultimately reduce the value of the assets. Notaries are happy to advise you on protective measures.
As an entrepreneur, you face demanding challenges every day. Your business requires decision-making and the review of existing structures at all times. Business management and also legal aspects must be taken into account. Professional legal advice is therefore needed to avoid mistakes – starting with the formation of your company, throughout the implementation of structural measures and right up to company succession.
You can conveniently complete numerous notarial procedures in corporate law online by videoconference.
Please feel free to contact us or visit for more information: online.notar.de.
Precautionary power of attorney
Who shall decide, should one no longer be able to do so? How and where will one be medically treated or cared for after an accident, in case of illness or in old age? Who shall manage your assets, take care of your financial affairs and make decisions in your stead? Without a precautionary power of attorney, you would have to rely on a guardian appointed by the state.
If you do not wish to do so, you can remain in charge in such cases – if you make your own will clear in a precautionary power of attorney, a directive for assignment of a guardian and a health care directive. We are happy to advise you if you would like to make adequate provisions and ensure that your "penultimate will" is also implemented correctly.
Dispute settlement and mediation
Every notary is called upon to conduct statutory mediations upon request as part of his official duties. Voluntary mediations are possible as well.
Due to his impartiality, you can turn to your notary in confidence and work together with him and the other parties to reach a reasonable, fair and balanced settlement.